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Do What You Love, Love What You Do.

Follow you passion.

Do what you love.

You've probably heard those phrases most of your life. It's been ingrained in most of us that if we follow our passion and do what we love then we'll never work a day in our life. I call bullshit on that advice.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for following your bliss, listening to your heart, reaching for your dreams, and doing the work you love. Who wouldn't want to be in a job where the work is actually something they really love doing and feel passionate about?

The trouble is that when you do find work that you really love, or a job that you're passionate about, or a business that speaks to your heart, it isn't always going to be full of bliss. There will be days when you don't like your job.

For example: I started my business because I love what I do. I enjoy the process of what it takes to run a business and it is quite rewarding to help others and see them flourish on their spiritual journey. It makes me feel good. Just being in tune with myself and with my clients who seek my help is uplifting. On the other hand, it can be stressful at times. After all, I'm running a business so it isn't always spiritual bliss. I have to pay careful attention to inventory, marketing, budgeting, scheduling, licensing and a whole lot more.

I'm sure there are things you don't like about your job. Maybe you have to clean toilets as part of your responsibilities even though you are an accountant or maybe you are a writer but you don't like the structure of making yourself write a little something everyday because you'd rather write when inspiration strikes.

When you do what you love, but you're having an off day or you don't want to do your books or talk to anyone, this is the time when you really need to buckle down and love what you do. Because after all, you're building a dream.

Keep on keeping on!


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